Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Whew! What a day! Things were a little crazy today, as I imagine they always after being gone for a day. The correct homework was not given out yesterday, but we made sure to set everything straight today! 

Reading: Read 20 min.
Spelling: Contract due Friday
Religion: Study for quiz tomorrow
Math: Practice Page

A note on math:
Unfortunately, children did not advance in learning mental math while I was gone, but we spent a good chunk of time on it today, and most students are understanding it more. As far as the parents helping, I have added notes at the top of the practice page to help guide. There are also notes in the back of your child's math notebooks and example problems from today in the front. I find it best to talk the strategy out loud with students and think of a real world example. 

i.e. "I was at the store the other day and there was a sweater that originally cost $52 on sale for $17 off. I didn't have a pen and paper, so I had to do the math in my head. I figured out that it was easier to subtract 20 from 52 instead of 17. 52-20 is 32. Then, I had to remember that when I took 20 away from 52 instead of 17, I took away 3 too many. In order to fix this and get the correct answer, I just add 3 to my answer. 32+3=34. So, 52-17=34."

Hopefully this helps!

Tomorrow is FISHING!
A few parents have already said that they are available to volunteer, but fortunately this field trip does not have a cap on how many volunteers we can take, so the more the merrier! If you would like to chaperone, please come to school at 8:50 and we will leave around 9:00. If you would like to meet us at the park, you may do that as well! Students are to wear gym uniforms tomorrow. Also, lunch will be normal, so do not worry about bringing a packed lunch.

Another note: The fourth graders and PreK4 (our faith partners) have asked us to go on a field trip to the Aboretum with them on October 13th. Forms will be sent home in students Friday folders.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/concerns!

- Miss Rizzo

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