Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday News

Happy Friday! I hope everyone is staying warm! Here's a look at what we did this week:

Reading: In reading this week, our story is a tall tale play called Pecos Bill. Students have practiced their speaking skills by being assigned parts and reading the play out loud. We have also worked on our vocab and story elements.

Math: We are continuing with multiplication in Unit 5 as we learn rules and focus on memorizing our multiplication math facts.

English: In English this week, we reviewed all the rules we have learned about verbs and different tense. We have also been working on our letter writing and fluency. The students have recently become pen pens with my sister's homeroom class at Lowell Catholic High School in Lowell, Massachusetts.

Science: We are continuing our physics unit in science by focusing on the different states of matter. After measuring the mass and volume of mater, students have recently learned how to measure temperature. We have also been observing the change in temperature over time.

Religion: We have been celebrating Advent by continuing to read our Jesse tree stories and adding ornaments to our tree. So far we have read 21 bible stories. We also wrapped up chapter 7 in our religion book.

Classroom Community: I have recently become more aware of some bullying problems in the classroom. I can assure you that both Ms. Smith and I are not going to tolerate this type of behavior. We have been talking to students about the behavior and will continue to be working on respect and classroom community.

Classroom/School News:
- Christmas Playlet and All School Mass is Tuesday at 8:30am
- Wednesday is early dismissal at 1:50pm for break
- School will resume on January 5th, 2017

Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns! Have a great weekend before break!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday News

Happy Friday! Here's a look at what we did this week!

Science: In science this week we started our physics unit! We moved on from chemistry and learned about physical changes versus chemical changes. We also learned about matter vs. mass and how to measure the mass of an object.

English: In English, we are focusing on the different tenses of verbs. Students are learning how to change a verb based on whether you are talking about the past, present, or future. We will complete a study guide at the beginning of next week and we will have a test on Friday.

Math: Third graders are doing such a great job with multiplication! We have learned about equal groups, arrays, and the Commutative property of multiplication. Make sure students start to practice their facts at home!

Reading: This week we read "The Little Painter of Sabana Grande". The reading strategy that we focused on was story elements. Students learned how to identify plot, characters, problem, solution, and key events.

Religion: Religion this week was a mixture of Chapter 6 review and the start of Advent. Students made Advent wreaths and reflected on what Advent is and why it is important. They also learned about the tradition of the Jesse tree. We will continue to add to our Jesse tree throughout Advent season and read bible stories that go with students' ornaments.

Classroom News: In order to promote classroom community and positivity during this holiday season, students have made "Compliment Stockings". Throughout the month of December, all students are encouraged to write a compliment or nice note to their peers. Once a day, each student will receive a classmate to write to and the note will be placed in his/her stocking. Students are also encouraged to write throughout the day when they feel like it.

- Spirit Wear is being sold right now - place your orders by the 12th to have it in time for Christmas! (Orders will be accepted through Jan. 20)
- Read to Succeed logs went home today - They are due February 24th!
- Santa's Workshop will be set up in the library next week
- There will be a $1 Christmas dress down Friday, December 9th
- Scholastic book orders are due Friday, December 9th - let me know if you are ordering presents for Christmas!

Have a great weekend! Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

- Miss Rizzo